Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Gynecologist: "G-Spot" It's Real It Is!

Controversy regarding the existence of the G-spot turns rolling. The experts of French scientists claimed to refute what the UK recently, stating that the most erotic spot on the female organs did not exist.

Only a few weeks after the researchers from King's College London mengdeklarasikan that the G-spot is a myth, a group of gynecologists (women's reproductive health) of the French launched a counterattack against what they called a "totalitarian" on women's sexuality.

As reported in The Times newspaper, Sylvain Mimoun, France's leading gynecologists, confirmed that the G-spot is real for most women, which reached about 60 percent.

"Research UK experts were mistaken in directing his attention," Mimoun said while speaking at the conference "G-Day" in Paris.

The statement was echoed by Pierre Foldes, one of the leading French surgeon. "Research conducted by researchers at The King's College shows a lack of respect for what is expressed by women. The conclusion is really a misnomer because they are based on the observation of genetics. It is clear that in female sexuality there is diversity. It can not be narrowed down to 'yes' or 'no' or to be on or off, "Foldes said.

Scientists from King's College in England through a study published the Journal of Sexual Medicine claims the G-spot can not be ascertained. In the study, a total of 1804 women aged 23 and 83 years were included to fill out questionnaires. All women are identical twins and non-identical.

If the G-spot is real, expect the identical twins, who have the same genes, would report a sensual point of this. However, in one case a pair of twins reported a G-spot, the researchers did not find a pattern that appears when the others also have it. In fact, identical twins tend to not always both had the G-spot than the non-identical twins.

Odile Buisson, a French gynecologist, believes, the G-spot is a reality for at least 56 percent of women and the effect can be investigated through the scanner.

He considered, on the G-spot research suggests the existence of cultural differences in attitudes towards sex. "I do not intend to give a stigma, but I think the character of Protestant, liberal, Anglo-Saxon makes you become very pragmatic. Everything must have a cause, a gene for anything. I think it's totalitarian," he said.
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