Thursday, December 22, 2011

Sexual Satisfaction Guarantee Current Communications

It was not "flying hours" or the size of a vital organ that becomes sexual satisfaction guarantee. Those who are able to communicate well and understand the emotions of others is the group most enjoy their sexual life.

Even though only the case on the bed, turns out it still requires smooth communication and the ability to appreciate themselves. In other words, if a person is unable to communicate properly or express their feelings, then this also affects the communication in the bedroom.

"His ability to interact, listen, and empathize with others is very influential on the sex they're doing," said Adena Galinsky of John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

Galinsky perform data analysis of 3,200 students aged 18-26 years who were surveyed between 2001 and 2002 in the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health.

The respondents answered the question series to measure the levels of autonomy, the ability of self respect, and empathy, as well as sexual activity and satisfaction.

Autonomy is defined as a force to follow the establishment of personal though contrary to common wisdom. Meanwhile, the ability to appreciate themselves as a credible self-worth that will grow with age. As for empathy is the ability to understand other people's views, see through the eyes of others, understand, and respond to it.

Research has shown that men experience orgasm more often than women (87 percent) of all their sexual activity, whereas only 47 percent women. The man also claimed to better enjoy giving oral sex to their partners than women.

"In general, the majority of young men prefer activities that aim to make your partner feel satisfied. There are consistent differences in young men and young women," said Galinsky.

When the researchers connect the personal nature of the three measures of sexual satisfaction (orgasm frequency, pleasure giving and receiving oral sex), it is known that levels of self-respect ability, autonomy, and empathy is associated with sexual satisfaction in women.

Meanwhile, in men, affecting only empathy. The nature of autonomy is positively associated with frequency of orgasm, while the ability to appreciate the high self-regard with pleasure give oral sex.

"Based on our hypothesis, people who can empathize usually more responsive to the needs of their partner and be able to give a positive response. It is very important to women's sexual satisfaction," he said.
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