Monday, December 26, 2011

Sodomy, not Monopoly The Homosexuals

Cases of sexual abuse with children as victims and warmed back into the public spotlight. That the recent burst is a case of abuse on the street children through the practice of sodomy.

Victims, mostly boys are sodomized by adult male actors. Behavior of sexual deviance is also often followed by other atrocities, such as murder and mutilation.

Sodomy is a term for sexual activity is done through the anal or rectal. According to the explanation of the forensic psychologist Bina Nusantara University, Reza Indragiri Amriel, based on the theory presented James P. Chaplin, originally given to the term sodomy intercourse activity in animals.

"In animals, sex does look as if done through the anus. So when there are people doing sexual contact like that, it is considered similar to the animals. That is why the term sodomy was used in humans. The term is more appropriate, advice Chaplin, is coitus more ferarum, "he said.

Meanwhile, Prof. Dr. Alex Pangkahila, Sp And, medical sexology expert from the University of Udayana, Bali, states that sodomy is a common sexual behavior performed same-sex couples or homosexual.

"As many as 15 percent of men had homosexual behavior and they are more interested in sodomy than other forms of sexual relations," he said.

Even so, continued Prof. Alex, homosexual sodomy is not a monopoly. Through anal intercourse to be one option for men with pedophilia who loves kids. Not surprisingly, cases of pedophilia in Indonesia is often identified with the behavior of sodomy.

"The perpetrator pedophilia who like the boys to satisfy his desires in a way yes sodomy. But if he liked girls, then the shape is the organ through vaginal intercourse," said Prof. Alex.

In fact, Alex added, there is a small part of heterosexual men who have anal sex with a female partner by reason of satisfaction. "They feel more satisfied because the clasp on the anal muscles tighter than the vaginal muscles," added Dr. Alex.

Prof. Alex stressed that intercourse via the anus is not healthy because the anus is one of the sensitive area and is designed to push out. "By nature, the relationship is created through the vagina as expected physiologically, when the penis is inserted, there was a response to wetting in the vagina to prevent injury," he explained.

Anal phase
Reza stated, there are some people who feel comfortable when sodomized due to interference with the development of his soul. In psychology, Reza explains an opinion that at a certain age, the enjoyment of human bodily precisely centered in the anal region. That is why, the child who was enjoying the sensation of bowel movement called the children who were passing the anal phase.

Reza stressed, would be dangerous if someone is experiencing or strike a psychic fixation on anal phase because not rule out the possibility, at subsequent ages, they will remain obsessed with the sensation of having experienced the pleasure of anal phase.

"Thus, it may be, the individual feels comfortable during intercourse via the anus," he said.
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