Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Taboo, Information Sex So Wrong

Gynecologist, dr. Boy Abidin, assess, vulnerable young people get the wrong information about sex because it talks about sex as long as it is still considered taboo.

"Because sex is taboo to talk about young women who are experiencing puberty hesitate to ask parents and teachers," he said in Hyderabad on Wednesday.

He explained, among young women eventually chose to ask when you experience the physical changes of puberty to their peers. In fact, he said, the information that they were from the friend is not necessarily true.

"As a matter of menstruation experienced by young women and the hymen, they hesitate to ask his parents for fear of being considered not yet. It must be borne by the parents," he said.

He argues, taboo sex talk has also resulted in the birth of many false myths about sex are already widespread in the community. "It takes good communication between parents and children so that young women can obtain appropriate information about sex and they are not falling prey to negative things," he said.

He pointed out, young women who get the wrong information about sex would be fatal as unwanted pregnancy, abortion, HIV / AIDS, and cervical cancer.

"Based on research results Annisa Foundation in 2006, approximately 42.3 percent of junior high and high school students in West Java have sex the first time in school that is based on mutual love and without coercion," he said.

That, he said, showed that adolescents in Indonesia has dared to explore their sexuality.

He said the briefing on reproductive health should be given early.

"With the debriefing that they will have the right knowledge and accurate information about sex so they are not misguided in taking decisions," said the alumnus of the University of Padjadjaran Bandung.

Psychologists, Ruth Abraham, saying, teens who are in the preparatory stage towards maturity will experience rapid development, both physically, psychologically, and intellectually.

"In this condition they tend to have a great curiosity and start trying new things so that they are in need of guidance in order to make the right decision," he said.

Based on the data and Fruit We Heart Foundation in 2005, he said, more than 80 percent of children aged between 8-17 years in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Jakarta has been accessing pornographic material on the internet.

"This shows that many of our youth who prefer to access the Internet to find information about sexuality rather than asking directly with parents," said Ruth.
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