Tuesday, December 27, 2011

That is 15 Secret Sex Emperor of China

Na Hua Di Nei Jing, medical books written more than 2,000 years ago, is still a reference for practitioners of traditional Chinese or Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). The book reveals the secrets of the emperor.

That secret was long kept secret until the journal was found (1974) in the tomb of Emperor Ma in Chang Sha. At the opening of a journal written on parchment bamboo related to sexuality. What's the secret?

There are seven things that must be avoided and eight important things for harmonious sexual life.

1. Pain due to hasty and rude attitude during intercourse will cause pain in internal organs. So, just slow.
2. Symptoms of a cold sweat during sex. Be careful, there may be a physical problem.
3. Fatigue due to excessive sexual activity.
4. There is no power of sex or erectile dysfunction.
5. Intimidating attitude and restless.
6. Coercion or sexual intercourse without the consent of the pair will lead to something unpleasant, especially for the female partner.
7. Impetuous or too fast is a condition that is not enjoyable for both partners. This must be avoided.

Here are eight good things that should be maintained:
1. Maintain Qi (energy). After waking up, doing exercises to strengthen the spine / back and relax the body back. Train the anus to contract so that the energy in the flow downward.

2. Swallow saliva. Regularly, swallow his own saliva and make sure your breath is still and quiet.

3. Take the time to have sex and do warm up to both parties feel comfortable.

4. Accumulation of energy. During sex, the couple must relax the back of his body and contracting her anus.

5. Sexual intercourse can not be imposed, should be gently / softly.

6. Penetration should be held gently and slowly. Sometimes, stop so that the female partner can fully enjoy the sensation of pleasure.

7. When women nearly reached the climax, the man must bend his back to back. After ejaculation, the penis do not rush revoked.

8. The penis should be withdrawn before it is fully softened and must be cleaned up after that.

Ancient Chinese sex secrets contained in the Hua Di Nei Jing include the following:
- Both partners must be adequately stimulated.
- Do not make love if one does not want that.
- Wash and shower after sex.
- Sex life should be run mediocre. (GHS / Abd)
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