Saturday, December 24, 2011

When the Thought Sex

There is a saying like this: "Women give sex to get love while men give love to get sex". This situation clearly shows that there are differences of opinion between the Adam and the Eve of defining love.

Similarly, during sexual intercourse. Both men and women generally have different thinking or assessment of their partner. Curious, what are generally considered by women and men when they're having sex?

1. Whether he will always be with me?

This is a question that often arises when the minds of women having sexual intercourse with their partners. This question sometimes makes them wonder to yourself until finally bothering them. As for men, they usually tend to think about the beauty of their partner's body.

2. Does he sleep with other women?

Most women will adore these men because of their superiority when "playing" in bed. But this does not mean that women forget to think about whether their partner had sex with another woman.

While in men, they generally would feel happier if their partners can understand what he wants. Here, the factor of communication becomes very important for every couple. Sex should be a fun activity and not only enjoyed by one.

3. Am I pretty?

This question also appears frequently on the minds of women because it involves self-confidence and make them feel loved and wanted. For some women, getting compliments from your partner to make him feel needed, and it makes sex very interesting.
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