Friday, December 23, 2011

Eating Patterns Affect Sperm Quality

What we asup, good food and drink will affect the quality of sperm produced. That's why leading a healthy lifestyle is an absolute requirement to prepare seeds and increase the chances of pregnancy.

A diet that is recommended for quality sperm cells are rich in fresh fruits, a little red meat, and grains. Stay away from all alcohol and coffee. So advice to researchers from Brazil in their study published in the journal Fertility and Sterility.

In their study, the men who followed the IVF program will have a good sperm cell if you follow these healthy eating. Sperm quality is an important requirement for a healthy pregnancy and baby are desirable reached.

"Guidelines for healthy living is not just for men but also women. Couples who want to become pregnant should avoid bad eating whenever possible," said Dr.Lynn Westphal, fertility expert from Stanford University Medical Center, California.

In a study in the Brazilian team of researchers involved 250 men and their partners who are following the fertility program ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection) or injection of one sperm cell to the egg.

The men were interviewed about their diet, like eating vegetables, fruits, fish, and the habit of drinking alcohol or coffee.

Researchers are also taking their seminal fluid samples to analyze how healthy and concentration of their sperm. Each stage in the IVF process was also followed.

About three-quarters of the sperm cells to fertilize the egg successfully during the study and about 4 in 10 women successfully pregnant.

When observing the movement of sperm, the man who turned out bad diet and obesity tend to have lazy sperm cells to swim and low concentration. Smoking habits also have a negative impact on sperm motility, as well as alcohol and coffee drinking habits.

The success of embryo implantation and pregnancy is also lower if the hobby man eating red meat. On the other hand, the habit mengasup grains (like oats or wheat) related to the amount and movement of sperm is good. Consumption of fruit will also increase the agility of sperm.

The results of this study are consistent with studies that suggest some kind of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids help improve the quality of sperm. Meanwhile, consumption of alcohol and processed meat that damage sperm.
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