Monday, December 26, 2011

Experience with the gay story

This man tried to eliminate the memories of his past when in a relationship with a gay man and trying to live a normal life as a heterosexual male.

"I am a man age 29 years. Two years ago, when boarding in Jakarta, I have lived in the gay world. For two years I lived with a man who was a year younger. During that time I had a sexual relationship as a gay couple. I feel strange why could do that, whereas before I was not gay.

I used to have a boyfriend, then break up because of religious differences. During courtship, I have never had sex, although there is a desire. My girlfriend has always refused when it came to want to have sex.

Now I am in a relationship again with a 25-year-old girl. I feel loved him, so does my girlfriend. The problem is, why if kissing him, I was often reminded of my first gay boyfriend?

Since I split with boyfriend gay, I tried hard not to see him again. He sometimes called me, but I just respond mediocre. If he started to mention that once, I immediately decided to call with a variety of reasons. I want to live like a normal guy.

Am I a gay? Whether I can live a normal life like men generally? How can I not be affected again by what I do first? How to make images of the past with gay it does not come anymore?
M.K, Central Java

Persistent efforts
One of the causes of homosexual behavior is the influence of the environment, in addition to other factors. Conditions during boarding in Jakarta seems to cause you to hang out close to homosexual men's. Proximity was later turned into a more personal relationship, including sexual relations.

Events like this can indeed happen. This is called lingungan factors as the cause of homosexual behavior. So it might happen once you have a girlfriend girls then homosexual relationships.

The problem, now you want a normal life as a male heterosexual and homosexual shadow of the past often appear. This shall be your struggle because you have a relationship with a girl.

Your attitude to not want to meet again with gay friends, it is already a very proper step. Moreover, you are trying to move away from an old friend's phone. This attitude should you hold still and do.

Furthermore, if the shadow of the past appear, get rid of and do not be lulled soluble. Remember your boyfriend a girl who loves you. Only by persistent efforts so you'll be able to forget the past and live as a normal heterosexual male.

If you are unable to perform homosexual contact for two years after parting with him, you have to maintain for the next.

Consultation is answered by Prof.Dr.dr.Wimpie Pangkahila, Sp.And
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