Thursday, December 29, 2011

Make Men Aged Ejaculation Short?

During his lifetime, an average man ejaculate as much as 5,000 times. "If every ejaculation issuing 200 million sperm, estimated during his life he produced a trillion sperm," said Dr. Ferryal Loetan, ASC & T, SpRM, Kes.

Semen or semen released during ejaculation that contains vitamins, minerals, protein and calories needed in order to remain nimble sperm swim through the vagina to fertilize an egg. "Cells prostate in men also produce alkaline substances whose job it keep sperm can stay alive through the vagina is acidic in nature," said Dr. Loetan, who is also a sex consultant.

Because of the affairs of this ejaculation, male life expectancy to be six years shorter than women. "After ejaculation, the man was always exhausted. Because the semen which account for about 5 ml per ejaculate that contains zinc, selenium, protein, vitamins A, C, E, and sugar.

Waste through a variety of nutrients that cause premature fatigue, weakness, prolonged hunger. Reportedly, the energy wasted during sex is around 36 calories, equivalent to 1.5 km run along, "said Dr. Loetan.

Soft-boiled eggs and STMJ (milk eggs honey ginger) seems to be an appropriate option for refilling nutrients are discharged earlier. "Eggs do contain lots of protein and nutrients contained in it like a discarded during ejaculation.
If you want to get all the nutrients in the egg, do you eat should be in a raw state. Heating can reduce the nutritional value, "said Diah Kusuma Dewi, SSi, Apt, pharmacologist from Navita PT Inti Prima.

However, the habit mengasup soft-boiled eggs, let alone excessive, can cause unpleasant side effects. High cholesterol levels in eggs can cause hypercholesterolemia or cholesterol excess.

The content of avidin in the egg can also cause baldness. The habit of eating raw eggs can also cause skin disease typhus because raw eggs Salmonella bacteria is a nest.

The more frequent ejaculation, said Dr. Loetan, semen will be more dilute. "The amount of semen that is ideal for a tablespoon. Quantity and quality is determined by the quality of food very diasup. Sure must mengasup balanced nutrition, a healthy lifestyle without smoking and alcohol, especially drugs. Then sleep enough, exercise diligently, and to avoid pollution, "he explained. @ Diy
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