When talking about sexual dysfunction, our thoughts are usually focused on male erectile dysfunction is difficult to wake one of the genitals of the penis.
Sexual dysfunction is collapsible so it means with the purpose to the satisfaction and the desire of men to always brave stand in front of her partner. Not many people think that women also have the same problem of sexual dysfunction and it is equally fun as male erectile difficulties.
However, this time again I side with the men because the case which we'll discuss this more often subtle, if in males than females.
Psychogenic erectile dysfunction
Erection is a natural thing in the normal male. Readiness in sexual arousal after passing through a phase characterized by the hardening of the penis resulting from a full penis blood vessels.
Erection of a well-characterized by the ability of men to maintain an erection throughout the process until the phase penetration and stimulation just before ejaculation. After that erection hardness will gradually decrease until the resolution phase.
However, what about men who have difficulty erection when having intercourse with his lawful spouse, but not with another woman? The answer is Psychogenic Erectile Dysfunction.
I had a few male patients who experience this condition. Erectile difficulties when dealing with his life partner, but may erect a maximum when dealing with other women.
Guilt can make erection difficulties getting into. The woman became to feel inferior or even angry because he thought the man had seen it not interesting anymore. Anger is not making these conditions better, instead will make it even more difficult for both parties.
What to do?
Examination of both physiologically and psychologically indispensable. Easiest to detect this is not by trying to have sex with other women if it is experiencing erectile difficulties when dealing with a legitimate partner.
The earliest way to detect this is to notice an erection when you wake up in the morning. If the erection wake up in the morning (morning erection) is still good, but when intercourse with the wife is not there or difficult, then you need to worry about the existence of psychogenic erectile dysfunction.
The handling of this problem is not with drugs which are well known from groups like Viagra sildenafil, but rather by focusing on internal psychological problems.
Couples can start by talking about this among them first. If it is difficult, it can ask the help of a sex counselor, psychiatrist or clinical psychologist who is an expert in the field of sex. Precise and rapid solution to this problem would be very good in the future and can save the marriage.
Dr. Andri SpKJ, Psychiatrist with a specialty in the field of Psychosomatic and Liaison Psychiatry.
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