Thursday, December 22, 2011

Snoring and Sexual Dysfunction

Sleep disturbance clearly causes a decrease in the spirit, vitality concentration ability, and sexual performance. Anyone will refuse to have sex when tired whack. Sleep disorders not only insomnia.

You know, a sleep disorder that makes us continue to feel tired and sleepy despite adequate sleep? Excessive sleepiness, or better known as hypersomnia, is felt drowsiness despite adequate sleep.

Common causes of hypersomnia is sleep apnea or stop breathing during sleep characterized by snoring habits. Sleep apnea occurs due to narrowing of the airway during sleep. As a result, blood oxygen levels fall repeatedly throughout the night. Work of the heart and various organs were also disrupted. Sleep apnea has been increasingly recognized cause dangerous diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, to stroke. Sleep apnea also causes a decrease in quality of life, ranging from labor productivity, domestic life, and sexual performance.

In domestic life, snorers often seen as lazy because his family was always sleepy and fatigue. The effect of hypersomnia also gives the appearance of someone who is motivated and less sluggish. Due to the lack of sleep is also, a person becomes sensitive, irritable, impatient, and emotional. Moreover, disruptive snoring every night.

The decline in sexual interest, although rarely discussed, a herb supplement household problem. Slowly start of the demand for separate rooms and continues to be split.

"Sleep apnea" and sexual dysfunction

Various studies have confirmed a close relationship between sleep apnea and erectile disorders. In The Journal of Sexual Medicine, published November 2009, revealed that 69 percent of men diagnosed with sleep apnea snorers who were experiencing erectile dysfunction. While patients without sleep apnea only 34 percent who experienced erectile dysfunction. From this study also mentioned that the more severe degree of erectile dysfunction according to the decrease in blood oxygen levels during sleep recorded by polysomnography (sleep in a sleep laboratory examination). That is, the more severe stop breathing during sleep, the more severe erectile dysfunction also experienced. The degree of severity of sleep apnea is not seen from the loud snoring or not, but the number and duration of stopping breathing and decreased blood oxygen levels during sleep.

The study is in line with previous research in 2005 as outlined in the Journal of Urology. This study looks at snorer experienced excessive sleepiness as measured by the Epworth sleepiness scale. The result, among the snorers with abnormal values, 80 percent of them have erectile dysfunction compared with 20 percent in men with normal values.

A study in mice in 2008 tried to explain the mechanism of the relationship between sleep apnea and erectile disorders. Researchers at the University of Louisville mimic the conditions of sleep apnea in rats. The mice were repeatedly intentionally reduced oxygen, the same as that experienced by patients with sleep apnea during sleep. The result, the rats decreased spontaneous erections up to 55 percent. It was clear that oxygen deprivation for a short time alone can reduce the sexual functions. Even after the return to normal oxygen conditions, such defects can not be completely lost. This is measured through a variety of behavioral and sexual functions of rats. One is the examination of nitric oxide synthase (NOS). Endothelial NOS is a substance that increased the use of the drug sildenafil (Viagra).

Some urologist from Greece examined the best treatment for erectile dysfunction patients who also suffer from sleep apnea. They conclude, treatment with sildenafil alone or treatment of sleep apnea with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) alone is not enough. Maximum therapeutic effect is only obtained with the same approach to medication sildenafil and CPAP usage.

Thorough treatment

Of all the studies showing a relationship between snoring / sleep apnea with erectile dysfunction, it appears that prevention is better than treatment. Effects of oxygen deficiency periodically for a short time only had a direct affect sexual functions. Once disturbed, it is not easy to restore it.

Sleep apnea with CPAP treatment that restores oxygen levels during sleep could restore sexual function to normal. Treatment of erectile dysfunction just turned out not to give a satisfactory result. For optimal results, the two treatment approaches should be run together.

Similarly with the problem of snoring. Sleep disturbance of this one is not be underestimated. Tata laksananya that sounded foreign in Indonesia is urging people to be socialized. Obstructive sleep apnea, stopping breathing during sleep, resulting in various problems, ranging from the quality of life, domestic life, health, even death. A variety of medical specialties also should explore the possibility of these sleep disorders in patients.

People with sleep apnea encountered every day in practice rooms. They come with complaints of headaches, poor sleep quality, always tired, depression, sexual disorders, diabetes, high blood pressure, or even stroke. Sleep apnea patients require different approaches from various medical specialties as a whole.

Dr. Andreas Prasadja, RPSGT, Sleep Health Practitioner, Sleep Disorder Clinic - RS Mitra Kemayoran
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