Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Why Men Porn Site Seeing Hobby?

It's no secret that many men like to watch pornographic material. According to the 2004 Survey Tracking survey by the Pew Internet & American Life Project, 26 percent of male Internet users frequently access the site specifically adult males. Compare with women, only three percent who had a similar habit.

Hobby of a man in pornographic material is often elicit a reaction from the partner concerned.

"Usually the women feel pressured by their partner hobby because they feel as sexy as a porn star," said Lonnie Barbach, PhD, sex therapist from San Francisco, United States.

The big question is, why the men like to see a picture or a video man naked? This question may be somewhat difficult to answer. Experts say, how the passion that arises after viewing pornographic material relating to many parts of the brain.

One theory, neural mirror plays an important role in the onset of arousal in men. These brain cells will react not only when an action is taken, but also when we only observe. That is why, looking at pornographic images can excite just as if there is a real object in front of the eye.

Another theory says, the brain naturally men are very easily aroused, so he is ready to have sex all the time. Therefore, when viewing pornographic material, mirror nerves in the brain will catch it as the real thing.

The experts also claim that pornography addiction can cause effects that the process is the same as addiction to cocaine and other addictive substances. Addiction resulted in the front center of the brain to shrink.

Shrinkage of brain cells that produce dopamine, a chemical trigger pleasure, that disrupt neurotransmitter or message sender.
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